Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama

$24.95 - $55.95

Tope mai! Naʻo 8 aitema totoe i le faʻasoa

Ae tatou te leʻi faʻaalia a tatou oloa, seʻi o tatou vaʻavaʻai ia tatou tagata faʻatau fiafia 

Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama

“WOW! This product removes hair, exfoliates and doesn’t hurt AT ALL. For real, When I saw this Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama online I thought it was all fake, this is real!!! I am never going back to shaving my legs. This is the greatest thing I’ve found. I literally would never say this, but this product changes EVERYTHING!!”

Penny Brook — Denver, Colorado

“I loved how smooth my legs were afterwards and that it took no time at all. I took this image after I shave my other leg. I was so impressed. No pain and very easy to use. I will be purchasing again! I originally ordered for my step daughter who is about to start having to shave and is nervous. I’m excited for her to try it.”

Hannah Hoffman — Phoenix, Arizona

What Crystal Hair Remover can do than others?

 Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama

Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama remove and exfoliator any skin hair with care, it is safe and easy to use. It removes hair by eliminating it at the base closest to skin. Prolonged use may reduce hair thickness and regrowth, leaving hair softer and easy to remove. Painless and no harm to skin.

Totogi can be painful depending on who you ask and their pain tolerance. Because the hair is removed at the root, some people say waxing is more painful than shaving. The hot wax can also burn your skin. Waxing can cause inflamed hair follicles, pain, redness, ingrown hairs and skin irritation.

Lave can cause inflamed hair follicles, itching, ingrown hairs and razor burn. The shave results only last 1 to 3 days. Dull blades can cause irritation and cuts.

Tweezing your leg hairs can cause irritation and harm to the skin as this can also cause ingrown hairs and infection.

Crystal Hair Remover – Convenient and Gentle Exfoliating

Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama

le Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama presses down on the skin and moves it, like a ship creating a bow wave. As a result, the skin contacts the holes of the foil, causing the hair to become more exposed. After it has been cut, the remainders of the hair pull back into the skin’s surface giving you that close shave.

This is why Crystal Hair Remover is special

  • Painless and safe.
  • Faster than normal shaver.
  • Lautele talosaga.
  • Help you remove excess hair and let your skin smoother instantly.
  • Convenient to clean.
  • Mini size and lightweight, you can take it anywhere at any time.
  • Suitable for men and women.
  • High-Quality Material.

Elizabeth’s Crystal Hair Remover result

Elizabeth waste so much money on other product that not even worthy. Her friend recommend this product. Immediately bought this online and try it.

O le taunuuga lea…

Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama

“This thing is amazing. I have spent thousands and thousands on hair removal over the last few years. I’ve tried laser hair removal and electrolysis both with little to no results. I saw results from this within the first two weeks of using it and I can honestly say it has been life changing. As I’ve gotten older (and I’m not that old, I’m in my 30s) I’ve started getting really thick, dark hair growing in on my arms and legs. I tried everything to get rid of it, nothing worked, and it took a serious toll on my self confidence. Honestly one of the most depressing things I’ve dealt with in my adult life. This has made such a huge difference and I cannot praise this enough. It’s made an enormous difference on me and I’ve also used it on my legs with incredible results. If you’ve been struggling with unwanted hair anywhere, try this product. You won’t regret it!!!”

Elizabeth Loyola — Topeka, Kansas

This Crystal Hair Remover saves you tons of money!

Crystal Hair Remover’s is made of high-quality ABS material. Smooth surface, appropriate size, and arc design, which is to make a huge impact not only to your skin but also saves you tons of money in the long run.

Na'o le taimi muamua e maua i Falema'i

O nisi o tamaitai iinei i le ofisa ua uma ona faʻaogaina lenei mea ma ua vaʻaia lelei le faʻaleleia atili. O lenei mea e mafai ona fa'asaoina e sili atu i le $2,500 i le tausaga mai asiasiga tau spa.

Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama

  • Aloese mai Sauniga Taugata
  • Aloese mai Tofiga e alu ai le taimi
  • Fa'aoga i le Fa'amafanafanaga o lou lava fale
  • Malosi Malosi
  • Faʻaaoga pe a faimalaga!

Auala e Faaaoga ai:

  1. Gently rub on the skin in a circle over and over with crystal hair remover.
  2. First on your arms or legs before on other delicate parts.
  3. Do not overuse or rub too hard. (Don’t use on face).
Maua mai o ia oyna!
Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama
Fa'amama Laulu Fa'amama
$24.95 - $55.95 filifiliga Filifilia